What You Should Do Before the Oil Making at Home

Food making machines are developed at a high level now, small oil press for home use is one of them, as food safety issues and accidents happened from time to time, some people start to produce the food by themselves, including the edible oil, wheat flour, maize flour, nut powder, etc.

While now the processes of oil production in large oil mill plant are very complicated, there are more than a dozens of process to produce the edible oil with the modern quality standard. A lot of people might think that it is impossible to produce edible oil with the same level of quality in the oil mill plants, in fact it is not exactly true, oil making at home are usually at small quantities, that means the oilseeds quality and process is much more easier to control than in the oil mill plant, with the proper maintained small oil press and a clean oil production environment, you surely can have the fresh and safe edible oil produced at home, the following are some tips for you, it might not be perfect, you can have your own ideas later.

First, the oilseeds has to be processed to fit in the oil press, the hull and skin has to be removed, then the seed kernel shall be dried in certain degree for the proper water content; normally the frying part can be skipped for it is not easy to control at home, if you really want to do that, then you shall do it slowly and carefully. Generally speaking, no impurities in the oilseeds is the first and most important aspect to consider.

When you are processing different oilseeds, the method might be different, you can search for the oilseeds characteristics first for your new ideas on the oilseed preparation.