Advanced Oil Press Expeller

coconutExpeller-pressed oil is primarily obtained mechanically. Popular application of this type of oil press machine is in coconut oil extraction. The method is more of traditional and has been in existence for many years. The method does not involve use of chemicals or any kind of solvents. The system does extract only ¾ of oil content from the raw materials. oil press expellerThe left-over, which is usually rich in nutrients are given to the nearby community or fed to animals. Oil obtained from such a process is normally undertaken by reputable firms. They do ensure that the products they avail to the nearby community are fit for human consumption.

Seed Oil Press entails steam treatment of raw materials and pressing to obtain clean off-taste oil from dried raw materials. Steaming of raw materials does not however degrade the good health properties in the extracted oil. The final oil product is heat resistant and thus suitable for frying foodstuffs.

Efficient Vegetable Oil Press

vegetable seedsMention of vegetable oil may sound easy but the processing of it is not as easy. It entails growing of your feed stock plants, waiting for months on end while tending them, harvesting and eventually running it through a vegetable oil press. The process is time-consuming and demands patience. The end product that is oil can also be used to oil the very machinery that processed it in the first place. Conversion of vegetable oil into biodiesel is desirable although it is possible to run diesel engine directly with it. Direct vegetable oil is usually made up of triglycerides which are groups of fatty acid compounded by glycerin molecules. Oil obtained directly from a vegetable press is still crude oil, much different from the one you normally purchase from the nearest store.

Triglycerides in the extracted oils are made to react with methanol with the addition of a catalyst in order to hasten the process helps break off the fatty acids away from glycerin and converting them into esters. After passing the raw materials through the vegetable oil production line, the resulting mixture must be washed thoroughly to remove waxes and residual catalysts. After this stage, the outcome of the process would be pure esters whose properties are like those of petroleum diesel. It can thus be run on automobile engines without further modification. The viscosity of biodiesel obtained from vegetable oil bears close similarity to that of conventional petroleum diesel.
vegetable oil press

Small Scale Oil Press

Undoubtedly, the future is headed for biodiesel fuel and farmers should gear their thoughts towards that. Depending on your specific requirements, orders may come differently. Small oil press is one such machine that extracts oil from different oil material sources. Cage and cylinder formats of extracting oil are two common means of doing it. Your system’s rate of production is determined by your ultimate goals. Single cylinder portable press is ideal for small scale farmers whose daily production capacity does not exceed 4 tons. The operation of single cylinder machine is fairly easy. Once dismantled, re-assembling is also easy compared to cage type of machine.

Another good attribute about single cylinder machine is that input chamber is adjustable and thus capable of accommodating different quantity intake or multiple feeds. Besides, it is easy to perform service maintenance in case of clogging. Due to its relatively smaller press head, small oil press machine is not recommended for large industrial handling for it may not withstand intense pressure involved. It may not be able to handle high volume that yields immense outputs. Before you proceed to purchase your own, be sure to evaluate the size of the oil press before committing yourself. It is also advisable to weigh the benefits of purchasing an oil press against your profit expectations.

Cage type of small press machine is mostly preferred for large scale processing. Common among its application is the production of vegetable oil fuel as well as biodiesel. In spite of their large capacity handling, cage type of oil press machines are less pricy. It suffices to note that cage press machines can handle up to ten tons of raw material per machine. They do however require constant maintenance and close supervision in order to sustain continual operation. Regardless of which style of small oil press machine you opt for, you are sure to get the oils you so desire including nutrient-rich animal feeds.

Portable Oil Screw Press

Small size screw oil press constitutes advanced but portable type of machinery that is characterized by high outputs of oil. Besides, these portable oil press machines are not only reliable but extremely rugged and able to withstand extended period of operation. They can be used to process variety of raw materials including but not limited to beans, cotton seed and peanuts. There are available, different types and sizes of oil press machinery ranging from small to large scale industrial oil processing plant.

Converting extracted oil from the seed is taken through several steps in order to achieve some products like biodiesel. Once you collect enough oil from your oil press machine, it requires the oil to be chemically processed to rid off other undesirable impurities. Usually, a catalyst is used to get rid of glycerin molecules before combining the alcohol content with fatty acids that goes to produce esters. The kind of alcohol used at this stage could be ethanol or methanol although methanol is usually the most preferred by individual mill owners. You should be cautious when using your oil extraction machine to produce esters. This is because the process involves use of flammable chemicals. Ensure you follow due procedure as indicated by your vendor instructions.

Oil Press and its Operation

When it is your first time to handle an Oil Press Machine, the foremost tasks would be to get acquainted with preparing the seeds. Proper seed preparation, which entails cleaning, would help you attain successful oil production. One of the very advanced press machines that is equally easy to operate is the Screw model. It is popularly used in the oil milling of vegetable seeds, corn germ, peanut, sesame in addition to others. Press machines similar to Oil Press Machine are best preferred due to their design structure. They are characterized by high oil output because of its multi propulsion directional fixed bearing system.

Other attributes associated with an oil press machine include automation of its controls. Milling temperatures are optimally kept under constant regulation with embedded vacuum distribution system to automatically separate seed and waste. This type automatic oil press machine is also portable and reliably durable. Its body hardware is made from heat resistant and oil proof material. The process of seed separation varies depending on type of seed and there are basically two step procedures to achieve it. One of the steps is to first remove the seed coats. The hulls may find its uses elsewhere like animal feed additives. Irrespective of type of seed, you are free to add the removed seed coats to your compost bin.

The remaining stage entails separating seed from the chuff. You may adopt small or large scale methods to achieve the same results. Available systems include medium fanning mill to larger spiral separator technologies. To obtain proper seed separation they must be thoroughly cleaned. Residues like stones, dirt and undesired particles are capable of causing considerable damage to the oil press system. Sand particles, including little dust particles are particularly known to cause long term wear and tear to the smaller parts within the machinery. Seeds to be processed must thus be very dry and free from humidity. Minimum allowed moisture content should not exceed 10%. Any seed with moisture content higher than this should not be taken for processing.

To ensure maximum amount of oil is obtained from the seed, you should have the seeds dry and warm. Temperature range should be between 100 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on the amount of seeds to be processed, the above temperatures can easily be achieved. Small quantities of seed can be heated with the use of an oven or a double boiler. Another method is to use solar heat collectors.